
Submissions for Editorial Consideration

Your guide to sending content for print or online publication.

Submitting Products for Magazine Features

Here’s information on submitting information about your product or service for free publicity in the pages of INSTORE.

INSTORE magazine has a subscription base of 22,000 jewelry retail businesses. Editorial coverage is free. All submissions are considered but final selection is based on appropriateness for the story as well as visual value.

E-mail all questions and submissions to the attention of Trace Shelton for INSTORE at

Please follow these formatting guidelines regarding our technical needs to be considered.

• Up to five high-resolution product images

•  All images must be on a white background and minimum size of 4” wide x 6” tall at 350dpi resolution

• Products should be photographed alone, NO group shots or prop shots

• File name of every image should include the brand name 

Accompanying the images should have the following caption information:

• Short description of product — the collection name, materials, carat weight and/or any interesting elements about the piece

• Suggested retail price

• Company name as you want it to appear in print. We do not presume that the name of the collection or line is how you want to be known. Please tell us.

• Phone number for wholesale sales and website. Also, your address (which is NOT published).

For large files please compress and send in a folder by Hightail or Dropbox or a similar program. We are unable to “preview” low-resolution images. You are responsible for sending recent styles you’d like to promote.

2024 INSTORE Editorial Calendar

Visit the current version of our 2024 editorial calendar.

Check back frequently as the calendar is subject to change.

Note: We require all images in first week of the month 2 months prior to the issue date — for example, in August for the October issue.

Submitting for Cover Consideration

We are always interested in receiving submissions for magazine covers or InFront covers (which appear in INSTORE at the beginning of the product section). Please note that the cover is chosen to represent the main category of the issue wherever possible although options are also kept for future consideration.

INSTORE cover photo specs:

It’s not so much the technical specifications as it is the feel of the shot, so here are more guidelines that actual specifications:

• Minimum size: 350 dpi, 9” wide x 12” tall inches

• Image should not be cropped — we need space around the model for our cover text, and ideally we’ll be able to work with text on either side of him or her

• Photo can be head-and-shoulders shot or 3/4 body shot

• Plain white background gives us the most flexibility, but not an absolute requirement

• Model should be looking directly into the lens. As an editorial philosophy, we like our cover models to "engage" readers, so this rule is almost never broken.

• Model should not be leaning or sitting on anything that would have to be included in the final image

• Model should be in a natural pose

• Model shouldn’t be too stylized or have too much makeup — we generally don’t go for the high-fashion “W” magazine type of look; we’re looking for a natural look, expression and pose. 

Basically, we’re looking for simple, friendly, natural looks where the model is looking right at readers, and the eyewear — not the model — is the focal point. 

Submitting Press Releases

INSTORE also runs press releases from vendors on our website. Unless additional reporting is done, these are labeled as press releases. However, despite the label, it is important that you stick to news-style writing when producing these articles. (Not to mention, it's more convincing for our readers.) Here are some keys to writing better press releases:

• Avoid blatant self-promotion
• Use facts to sell your product's benefits, not adjectives.
• Avoid using the words "we", "us" or "ours".


Have any other questions? Contact our editors at

Sections Featuring
Vendor Products

Sections where we most often run vendor-submitted products are:

Cover, specifications and advice available on this page. (See sample pages here and here.)

In Front Cover, a full page image (usually with jewelry on a model), that opens our product section. (See sample pages here and here.)

New Arrivals, jewelry organized by category (see sample page here.)

Opening Lines, new jewelry arriving on the market. (See sample page here.)

Service Shorts, a short column rounding up the latest tools and services for jewelers. (See sample page here.)